Setting up your own giveaway can be a huge task if it is the first time you are running one. With running my own for the last two years I wanted to share what I have learned and how you can launch your own giveaway quickly and successfully.

Don’t forget as soon as your giveaway is setup be sure to submit it at

Paid Setup

There are a number of paid platforms and the one I have used that really makes my life 100x easier is

This site allows you to fully setup, create multiple entry points and randomly pick a winner from all entry types.

You can view an example of this by going to my current giveaway at Amazon Giftcard Giveaway.

Free Setup

If your looking for a free options most platforms allow for it but are extremely limited and in my opinion not really worth it.

A free method is going to take some elbow grease and a bit of a on daily tracking. I would highly recommend checking out the following 3 posts I created on how to setup various free giveaways on different social networks.

If there are other giveaway social networks you are interested in please comment below and I will be happy to write an in depth report of it.