Making extra money online is actually the simplest thing you can do. With these three sites we are about to go over a few clicks could net you some serious money at the end of the month.

Of course you wont make millions with these but free extra money is extra money right?!

#1 – SwagBucks

Swagbucks is one of the easiest to use to earn giftcards. In fact I claim a $25 Amazon giftcard every month.

Tip: If you go to redeem a Amazon giftcard each month shot for the $25 one it will end up costing you less points.

Swagbucks offers a number of ways to earn points which you then redeem. They range from surveys, completing daily tasks, watching videos, nightly trivia and much more.

# 2- Honey

Honey is simply the best chrome extension ever. It allows me to create a list of products to watch on Amazon and notify me when the price drops below a certain level. I can also see the price history of the product to see if I am paying top dollar for it or not.

Honey also offers “gold” as their currency which you can earn from buying on various websites.

However one of the coolest most powerful features of this plugin is when you are on a website that offers promo codes Honey will run through every promo code recently tried and apply it to your order giving you the best discount possible. All with a single click of your mouse!

# 3 – Ebates

Ebates is seamless once you have the chrome extension. Simply visit any website you buy product or services from and if a cash back offer is there it will pop up in the top right.

I use this as well as Swagbucks as some times Ebates gives me an extra few percent higher cash back and every little bit helps.

These three sites will allow you to save money, earn higher cash back (as well as earning cash back on your credit card *wink wink*) and make your shopping online experience that much better.